Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile

Pages 141 - 228
Julio - Septiembre 1996

Estimation of daily soil moisture variation, surface runnof and infiltration, using HIDROSUELO computer model
Authors: Patricio Novoa O. y Patricio Sepúlveda N.
Pages 141-154 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Effect of fungicide sprays on moldy core of apples stored in cold
Authors: Blancaluz Pínilla C., Yohanna Trombert V. y Mario Alvarez A.
Pages 155-162 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Predicting potentially mineralizable nitrogen based on organic carbon
Authors: María Teresa Varnero M.; Carlos Benavides Z., José Miguel Reyes P. y Manuel Casanova P.
Pages 163-174 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Estimation of phosphorus needed for attaining sufficiency levels in volcanic soils from the south of Chile
Authors: María Adriana Carrasco R.1-2 y José Domingo Opazo A.1-2
Pages 175-182 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Performance of ten insecticides with foliage treatments on hazelnut and one applied in the soil for control of Myzocallis coryli (Goeze) (Hemiptera: Homoptera: Aphididae)
Authors: Alfonso Aguilera P., Carlos Pacheco V., Jaime Guerrero C.
Pages 183-186 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Evaluation of nitrogen sources (15N) on three wheat varieties in an andisol and an ultisol in the IX Region. II. Isotopic parameters and fertilizer use efficiency
Authors: Inés Pino N., Amelia Peyrelongue C. y Mirta Buneder B.
Pages 187-192 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Characterization of melon pear fuit (Solanum muricatum Ait.) ecotypes cultivated in Chile
Authors: Marina Gambardella C., Claudia Botti G., Luis Faúndez Y. y Adriana Nario M.
Pages: 193-200 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Phenologic and phenotypic characterization of seven chilean Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Duch. accessions
Authors: Marta Maureira C., Arturo Lavín A. y Alejandro del Pozo L.
Pages: 201-210 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Characterization eggs parasitised by Uscana senex (Hymenoptera:Trichogrammatidae)
Authors: Danielle Rojas-Rousse, Marcos Gerding P. y María C. Céspedes L.
Pages: 211-213 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Edible shoot phytomass production of tagasaste (Chamaecytisus proliferus subsp. palmensis) in two climatic contrasted areas in the mediterranean climate region of central Chile.
Authors: Carlos Ovalle M., Susana Arredondo S., Julia Avendaño R., Fernando Fernández E. y Luis Neira E.
Pages: 214-219 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Biology of Copitarsia turbata (Lep. Noctuidae) under controlled conditions
Authors: Patricia Larraín S.
Pages: 220-223 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
In vitro propagation of Gypsophila paniculata L.
Authors: Mónica Castro V., Christine Dardel H. y Gabriela Verdugo R.
Pages: 224-228 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |